Monday, 8 June 2009

Election Special: Reading Bus Driver Shows Drive

Reading's own French bus driver Jean-Louis Pascual of the Roman Party - Ave! stood in last Thursday's European elections hoping to improve on the 33 votes he gained in recent local elections.

According to sources [1, 2] he gained 0.2% of the overall total, amassing 5,450 votes - a respectable amount for a one-man team in such a huge constituency (over 6m voters), showing what is possible for anyone with the determination to try to make a difference.

Reading List applauds his idealism and is suitably inspired, but recognises the nuts and bolts of an election campaign is also necessary.


Update: Linda Fort meets our intrepid burgundian bus-driver - who will put him forward for the Pride of Reading awards?

Oranjepan says:
Get a blog Jean-Louis - the public wants to know what opinions you have!

For starters you may want to look at the issue of violence in the workplace.


  1. I believe that even in Reading he got less votes than the number of invalid votes cast (disallowed for want of official mark, etc.)

  2. When in Reading...

  3. My husband was just asking me last night what the Roman Party stood for. I said I put part of his election manifesto on my blog but you are right to tell him to get a platform for himself like a blog.

    I just registered to vote so will vote for him in the next European elections. :)


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