Wednesday 13 January 2010

Recommended Reading List #44

With fresh wave of snowfall sweeping across the country Alan Bunce offers some timely reassurance about the ability of the local online community to provide direct up-to-date information of direct use to individuals.

He explains, this is in contrast to national journalists, who offer only 'endless scaremongering'.

As he says "They want you to panic. Journalists won't win awards if the news is too wishy washy."


More Recommended Reading List


  1. Oh well, at least the Snow Panic is over, don't you think? Do you think we are going to have any more snowstorms? I dunno, I'm just a Mississippi girl living in Reading -- what do I know about cold?

    I am getting a little tired of our winter wonderland though.

  2. Hi E,
    here's one thing I do know - the weather is never boring in Britain!

    Next thing will be ice, then the thaw will come and there'lll be floods of some sort somewhere... that is, if the forecasters are wrong and the cold doesn't last until February.

    If I were a Mississippian with a preference for more sultry climes I'd be inclined to go on short break!


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